Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. Here at Hautbois we are looking ahead to 2022 and planning our annual calendar. We have lots to look forward to and look forward to welcoming you back soon.
Taste of Adventure
Residential visits:
We still have some availability for our residential Taste of Adventure offer.
Come to Hautbois and enjoy four fantastic activities plus a fully-catered overnight stay in our beautiful house. The overnight stay is an excellent way for leaders to bring their units to experience what a full camp would entail.*
Leader places charged at £27.60 pp and includes accommodation and full-board catering.
- Friday 8th April
- Saturday 9th April
- Friday 15th April
- Saturday 16th April
Day Visits:
We also offer units the chance to experience a Taste of Adventure without having an overnight stay. Bring your unit for a day of adventure and take part in 3 of our onsite activities. Hosted by our instructors, you can choose from our range of activities (subject to availability) where your unit will develop confidence, teamwork and leadership skills while challenging themselves and having fun!
We have great availability so please get in contact to discuss with us further.
Hautbois Adventure Badge Days
Multiple dates available to book online.
Open to all guiding and scouting members, join us for a day of adventure and earn yourself a badge! These events are for individuals to book on and experience Hautbois for the day without their unit leaders.
Badge days run 9.30am to 3pm and all you need to bring is a packed lunch! £20 per person.
Heraldry 2022
Come and enjoy Hautbois and discover the romance and colour of Heraldry.
No experience necessary, just enthusiasm and curiosity. The week includes a quest for examples of heraldry in Norfolk’s churches, and a talk on aspects of church architecture and features.
It will also be an opportunity to pursue your own heraldic interests. £166.75pp (includes accommodation and catering).
This will take place Monday 1 – Friday 5 August 2022.
Brownie Christmas Adventure
Come to Hautbois Activity Centre to enjoy the magic and sparkle of Christmas. Come along and join in with Christmas themed crafts, outdoor adventurous activities, a Christmas tea party with fun and games and a spectacular panto show!
£93.20 per Brownie (includes 1 free leader), it is £39.40 for a second leader. This will take place Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th December & Friday 9th to Sunday 11th December 2022.