Hautbois Fest will not be possible without amazing volunteers – so why not be part of our team?
We are very excited for our brand new event and so pleased that you are considering to be part of our volunteer team at Hautbois Fest 2024. We are very excited to welcome new and returning friends alike from Norfolk and beyond.
We realise for some that volunteering at Hautbois Fest may be a brand new experience of a large scale event and we hope that the information below will help answer any questions you may have and make your Hautbois Fest experience one to remember.
Although the event will run Friday 16th – Monday 19th August 2024, accommodation will be available from Thursday 15th – Tuesday 20th August for all volunteers.
For further information about the event please visit our Hautbois Fest 24 – Event information page.
Apply online: https://hautbois.cinolla.com/hautbois/course/hautbois-fest-2024—volunteer-application
General Questions:
Who can volunteer at Hautbois Fest?
The Hautbois Fest volunteer team is open to all members of Girlguiding aged 18 or over.
What does Hautbois Fest cost for volunteers?
All Hautbois Fest volunteers will receive accommodation and full-board catering free of charge. You will also receive appropriate Hautbois Fest uniform suitable to your role and Hautbois Fest badge for a fee of £35.
How do you register for Hautbois Fest volunteer team?
Bookings are now open! You will need to book on via our online portal when you will then be emailed further information and an application form to complete. Book online: https://hautbois.cinolla.com/hautbois/course/hautbois-fest-2024—volunteer-application
What roles will be available?
There are numerous roles available as a volunteer:
- Animal Conservation (e.g. Setting up games, providing information, assisting the animal care team)
- Arts & Craft Area (e.g. Showing how to, resetting supplies)
- General Site Services (e.g. Information point, Dryshelter refresh, wellbeing team)
- Hautbois Adventurous Activities (e.g. Help with resetting equipment, harnessing, helmets, queue management)
- Pamper Zone (e.g. Nail painting, hair braiding, glitter tattoos, make your own hand scrub)
- Shop Assistant (e.g. Merchandise, tuck shop)
- Site Safety Team (e.g. Road crossing, visitor check-in, site patrols)
- Staging Team (e.g. Day activities, main gig, artist support)
- Catering and Housekeeping (e.g. Food preparations, serving, restock and freshening facilities)
Please be aware that we will do our best to accommodate you in your preferred team but it may not always possible.
If you have any further questions, please email one of the team at admin@hautbois.org.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!