We are delighted to be part of Big Norfolk Holiday Fun during the summer holidays. Big Norfolk Holiday Fun is a free activities programme aimed at children aged 5-16. The scheme offers free places for those eligible for means-tested free school meals.
Activities for ages 11 – 16
On-site activities will include three 90 minutes activity sessions from abseiling; archery; bridgebuilding,; bushcraft; canoeing; climbing; orienteering; kayaking; low ropes; monkey climbing; obstacle course; pioneering; pond dipping; raft building; shelter building; paddleboarding; zipwire – actual activity schedule will change from day to day to give a varied programme.
Nutritional education will be a varied programme of fun worksheets, quizzes and tasks provided with lunches.
Young people will be able to either sign up to individual days or to a full week.
Full further information please visit the Active Norfolk website: https://www.activenorfolk.org/getmycode/
To book your places at Hautbois visit our online booking portal: https://hautbois.cinolla.com/hautbois/courses/active-norfolk—big-norfolk-holiday-fun