Adventure activities

As a quality badge holder with Learning Outside the Classroom, we to aim to involve some form of outdoor learning in each of our sessions, always fun and cleverly disguised of course! Whether you’re just coming to let off steam or as part of a development programme, our staff can advise on the best activities for your group. There are 10 important outcomes across three main areas:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Personal qualities
  • Broadened horizons
  • Confidence and character
  • Social and emotional awareness
  • Environmental awareness
  • Enjoyment
  • Increased motivation & appetite for learning
  • Skills for life
  • Activity skills

90 Challenge

Designed for our corporate groups and those wanting to develop key communication and problem-solving skills. Take part in the challenge over 90 or 180 minutes, completing physical and mental tasks along the way to become top of our team development leader board!

Minimum age: 7+

Recommended age: 10+


At 10m tall, groups will learn to descend our purpose-built tower, taking them out of their comfort zones and into the open air! A great session for facing those fears, developing confidence, trust, courage and bravery!

Minimum age: 7+

Recommended age: 7+


Archery will teach groups new skills and techniques, develop control and a bit of healthy competition. Learn the basics, play games and complete challenges on our purpose-built outdoor ranges.

Minimum age: 7+

Recommended age: 7+

Soft Archery

Learn new skills and techniques, develop control and healthy competition. Learn the basics, play games and complete challenges on our purpose-built outdoor ranges. Using blunt arrows, Soft archery is perfect for our younger visitors.

Minimum age: 4+

Recommended age: 4-7 years

Bridge Building

Groups are set the challenge of survival and will be asked to design and construct a bridge over the river to rescue their team of stranded explorers. As with all good construction projects, teamwork and creativity is crucial.

Minimum age: 7+

Recommended age: 10+


A personal challenge to develop technique and encourage peer support as groups learn to belay on our 10m purpose-built wall. Great for groups looking for a challenge and, with different routes available, individuals can set personal goals and have fun and develop new skills.

Minimum age: 4+

Recommended age: 7+

Crate Stacking

Working as a team, groups will assemble a tower of crates to make the tallest structure they can…with two members of the team balanced on the top! Good communication and quick thinking is required as it’s a real team effort to stop the tower (and the climbers!) from toppling!

Minimum age: 7+

Recommended age: 7+

Monkey Climbing

Refreshed for 2025 – now with two routes! For a different climbing experience ascend one of the tallest trees on the estate in true monkey fashion! With climbing holds to aid your climb, its great opportunity to see the treetops from a monkey’s perspective!

Minimum age: 7+

Recommended age: 10+

Raft Building

Barrels, poles and a bucket of rope is all that’s required for a successful (or unsuccessful!) raft. Learn about planning and problem solving before testing your creation on the water.

Minimum age: 7+

Recommended age: 10+


A fun and exhilarating activity which sends you zipping through the trees. A great session for facing those fears, developing confidence, trust, courage and bravery! This activity has a weight restriction of 18 stone (114.5kg).

Minimum age: 4+

Recommended age: 4+